Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.
"We hope your rules and wisdom choke you. We hope that you choke, that you choke."
Radiohead // Exit Music (For a Film)

The Gāyatrī Mantra

There is no greater meditation than Gāyatrī meditation. It is said (by the philosophy of Gāyatrī-Sadhana) to be the supreme and most potent power of powers. The sages of the Himalayas have demonstrated to the world at large that one can live a long life with perfect health by meditating on Gāyatrī-mantra. 

When chanting the Gāyatrī, I find myself vibrating so high I can feel my chakras beam rainbow light  throughout my body. It's magical and grounding and real, and, it feels so wonderful it's hard to stop. 


Om bhur bhuvah suvah
tat savitur vareṇyaṃ
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yó naḥ pracodayāt

ॐ भूर्भुवः॒ सुवः ।
तत्स॑वितुर्वरे॑ण्यम् ।
भ॒र्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि। ।
धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त्॥ ।

"May we attain that excellent glory of Savitar the god:
So may he stimulate our prayers."