Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.
"We hope your rules and wisdom choke you. We hope that you choke, that you choke."
Radiohead // Exit Music (For a Film)

Just be...

I am interested in the yin to my yang. The nothing to my everything. The Will Christopher Baer novel, “Godspeed” that was released in 2007 but has never been sold anywhere. The calmness, the lack of the have-tos--a place I am so eager to linger in--for at this very moment, I have but one objective: to be happy in my truth.

I will roll out my yoga mat daily and practice my Vipassana meditation. I will continue to grow, seek, and most importantly: be. Just be. Perhaps this is my life’s purpose. Perhaps my intention for doing has come around to just being. There is much to ponder when coursing the simile of the search. The drive to happiness. The productivity of life. The challenge, which reaps the discovery of accomplishment. But what if just being was enough? What if our purpose was not to do anything, but to be actively engaged in the specific context of our moment? I am fully aware of the anxiety stillness can bring, hell, I am no warrior to silence by any means. However, in respect and reverence to the simplicity of my current state of being, I want to appreciate the beauty of nothing, which, in turn, frees me from the chaos of everything.